loan truong

Well-being coach &

Education consultant



Nearly 70% of teachers express concerns regarding their mental health and overall well-being. The persistent issues of chronic stress and burnout among educators persist globally, potentially leading to depression, anxiety, or other health related issues if not addressed.

The well-being of your teachers has an indirect impact on the well-being and growth of their students.

Let me help you develop a personalized and sustainable well-being program to help your teachers go from survival mode to thrive mode. Together, we can create a supportive and inclusive learning environment that fosters a community where every learner and educator feels valued and supported.

The BloomED Well-Being Approach

Text About Self Awareness


Guided self-assessment of physical, emotional, and mental health

Business evaluation concept.


Guided self-assessment as a reflective teaching practitioner

Chaos analysis and organization in order

Organizational Analysis

Analyze and assess organizational structures and systems

Meet Loan

Loan is the Founder of Bloom Holistic Educators. As a former special education teacher and non-profit program manager, she has over 10 years of experience working with children around the world. She has nearly 5 years of experience collaborating and coaching educators in Ghana, Thailand, The United States, and Vietnam.

She received her Master’s Degree in Special Education & Human Development from The George Washington University and a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from Trinity University.

Her life work is to serve and make an impact on as many children’s lives as possible by supporting the well-being of those who support children everyday: the teachers.

She currently lives in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam with her husband and 5-year old daughter. You can connect with her directly by emailing her at